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Talks and Events

Mary's Meals founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow speaking to supporters at the Mary's Meals information centre in Medjugorje

Talks and Events

Forthcoming Events

Past Events

Mary's Meals Founder and Director of Communications speaking with Salesforce.

Salesforce Nonprofit Summit

Our Founder and Mary’s Meals Director of Communications share more about our journey over the last 20 years, our goals for sustainable growth, the impact of our work and how we are keeping our promise to the children we serve every school day. 

In November 2021 our founder Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow participated in the IESE Business School's Global Alumni Reunion where he spoke about Mary’s Meals as a Sustainable Solution to World Hunger.

IESE Business School's Global Alumni Reunion

In November 2021 our founder Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow participated in the IESE Business School's Global Alumni Reunion where he spoke about Mary’s Meals as a Sustainable Solution to World Hunger.