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Candidate Resources

Large group of children smiling and looking into camera.

Candidate Resources

Infographic showing the full network of Mary's Meals.

The global Mary’s Meals family is made up of: 

Marys’ Meals International (MMI)

Provides centralised support to our Programme Affiliates and National Affiliates including Procurement, Programme Development, Finance, People & Culture, Marketing, Communications, Risk, Security, IT, Legal, Fundraising support.  

National Affiliates

The primary function of our National Affiliates is to build support for the Mary’s Meals movement through raising awareness and fundraising. National Affiliates can start as a single supporter in any location globally and develop into a larger international fundraising organisation, to what is known internally as a National Affiliate. Our National Affiliates have delegated authority to fundraise on behalf of Mary’s Meals, have full registration and legal presence in the country in which they operate and their own Board of Directors. 

Programme Affiliates & Partners 

The funds raised by our National Affiliates allow us to feed children in their place of education through our Programme Affiliates and Partners.